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Changes around the Homestead

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

Since we originally started this website and blogging posts, so much has happened and life has finally given me a few moments to play catch up.

Our family:

Our family has had many exciting and emotional changes. My oldest daughter Kendra, has proudly made us grandparents of our grandson Tyson and another on the way due this summer. (Edit: The second grandson was born June 24, 2021, almost 10lbs. His name is Tobias.)

My youngest son Wyatt, Graduated high school, went into the Marine Corps, graduated boot camp, and has been in Okanawa Japan for the last 13 months. Kali the youngest has been doing what any preteen unfortunately has suffered great loss in the past 14 months with the loss of her 14mth old God brother, Coltin, and her Grandparents (on her father's side), each passing every 6-8 months apart.

Our homestead:

Our homestead has undergone a bunch of changes. We have added berry bushes and fruit/nut trees, a sizable herb garden, built a new larger chicken coop since our 6 girls turned into 25 chickens and counting. We have also added rabbits to our animal collection. The new fencing will be going up this year so we can add goats and eventually a milk cow.

Our activities:

We still cook but unfortunately we have not had the time to sit and blog to share our recipes and ideas with you all. I also have not had the time to do any of my glass engraving that I enjoy so much. Time seems to be going so quickly and not have enough hours in the day.

I hope you have enjoyed our little update, thank you and God bless.

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